Monday, 16 August 2010

Till 3

Did various doodles at work, because i was left on till 3, the WORST till in the world, did about 10 drawings in the space of half an hour... some saying 'I hate my job'

Saturday, 7 August 2010


Okay, so I was thinking the other day, what is so freaking special about drawing bears.
Two people I know of in my class have done it recently and they've both been really good... so I thought, what the hell, it's 4am, let's draw a bloody bear!

Blog of the day for me... check it.

Cup of Tea Please

I've done a lot of tea cup illustrations, i've been drinking more tea than life itself. Life is good.

T shirt Designs, So far...

Sunrise at summer solstice

rough ideas for now, I want a t shirt of mine made though!!!

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Art Exhibition in Bournemouth Gardens!

Day 1

First day went pretty slowly, the above photo shows on the right hand side, my paintings, and the left hand side is my mums paintings, which a lot of people have been interested in! (also you can see my mum being awkward for a photo.

This is the view of the gallery, as you can see it's all outside. I feel this is giving me a good opportunity to get some experience.

These are all my paintings for the exhibition, no sales yet, will be updating later tonight!